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Welcome to the
Wild Folk Botanical Academy


Over 20 years ago, Dane had a dream to start an Academy that was infused in botany, magic & science. The word Academy dates back to Plato's school of philosophy, Akademia. This was the sanctuary of Athena, the goddess of wisdom and skill, a place where scholars, scientists & artists would gather to learn.

10 years ago, Dane and I began our journey as small-scale herb growers, following the plant path that has now been forged so deeply within our hearts. It is through our shared passion, skillsets & love of the green world that we have co-created the Wild Folk Botanical Academy.

Today, we are so proud to be offering several different on-the-farm classes, workshops & courses for both adults & kids!

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To learn more about our course offerings, click on the buttons below!

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About Us 


Welcome, from the Wild Family! 
We are small scale, bio-dynamic farmers, cultivating medicinal plants and a whole lot of love … 

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© 2019 created by Storii Wild. 

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